Storm Chaser by Audrey Beck

Storm Chaser by Audrey Beck

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When love strikes, hearts ignite.


Armed with improvised storm-tracking equipment of my own creation, I’m determined to intercept the supercell of the century in my Trusty Rustbucket van. But my rival storm chasers—all of them male—don’t take kindly to a woman edging in on their territory.

A flash of light leads me off course to an abandoned weather station, where I discover a mysterious being—a living embodiment of the storm itself. When I establish a line of communication, our unlikely bond deepens, even as its powerful, chaotic energy threatens to break free.

I know I should run from this tempestuous force of nature, but instead I’m drawn to it, heart and soul. The connection between us charges the atmosphere until I’m breathless with anticipation. But when it loses control and reveals its true nature, my rivals seize the chance to exploit it.

To protect the electrifying connection between this being and me, I’m prepared to stand firm against those who would do us harm. But can our love weather the tempest, or will our worlds be torn apart?

Storm Chaser is a fast-paced standalone monster instalove romance where an intrepid inventor collides with a quirky elemental being. It features plenty of action, a bit of spice, and a sweet HEA.

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