Monster’s Mark by Leann Ryans

Monster’s Mark by Leann Ryans

She came searching for an alpha to claim her, and who was I to deny the omega her desire?

I couldn’t take another moment of derision. The alphas of my village had put me down for the last time, and there was no way I was bonding one of them.

I’d heard the rumors. The whispers of monsters stealing human omegas to claim as their own. I wasn’t foolish enough to think I could survive on my own in the wild, so climbing the mountain had seemed like the best choice.

By the time he found me I had been half convinced I would die alone, but his scent was enough to trigger my heat. One way or another, I would wear the Monster’s Mark, and the other alphas would never hurt me again.

***This is the eighth book in the Monsters in the Mountains series but it can be read as a standalone.***

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